Adam green is a fucking wild man. I love him.
I went to 9:30 club to see The Dead Trees/Adam Green/The Cribs on Tuesday (in that order) and let’s just say I was increasingly unimpressed as the night went on....
Apparently The Dead Trees were a bit late (they were scheduled to go on at 7) so they ended up going on with Mr. Adam Green, which couldn’t have turned out better. Mr. Green hit the stage, obviously inebriated (I’m not too familiar, I’m guessing this is his shtick?!) and gifted the audience with quite the entertaining comedy/rock/intoxication-infused routine.
“What happened to my elbow? I was delivering a fucking baby! Shit happens!” ahahaha Adam Green really dropped quite the comical quotes at 9:30 club, in-between crowd surfing amongst 13 people and handing off the mic to the few folks who knew the words. The Dead Trees were a tremendous supporting band as well, although I’m still not quite sure of the actual situation… did The Dead Tree’s have a lead singer? Did Adam Green have a back-up band?! Who cares, really, because it turned out fucking terrific.
The Cribs have been described as the “biggest cult band of the UK” and consist of three brothers who were joined by The Smith’s legendary guitarist, Johnny Marr, in 2008. Despite the tremendous hype of the headlining band, they were actually quite un-impressive, and consisted mainly of repetitive power chords and harmonizing guitarists. Perhaps that’s just what flies in the UK, I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never really listened to the Libertines.
No disrespect to the show though. The songs definitely improved towards the end of the set (I now love ‘Be Safe’) and any chance at being 15 feet from Johnny Marr is always amazing. And what a stellar introduction to Adam mothafuckin Green and The Cribs.
The Cribs - Be Safe (Mp3)
Pics from the show. Disagree with your assessment of the Cribs, but then, I fucking love the Libertines. As for Adam Green... well, he pretends to be a rock star and I pretend to be a fan ;-)
Right, pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=145397&id=500073544&l=010ea439b2
Also, it was the Dead Trees who were late, not the Cribs.
Good catch on that Dead Trees/Cribs mixup!
I can't get into the UK bands as much, I like the experimental sounds and I feel like they were just too straight forward. Although I liked some of their songs at the end.
...random but do you know Pat Patten? He came to the show with me he's my Pops!
Um, yeah, I went to high school with Pat. Why did you ask me that??? Yikes!
I have a deep and abiding love for British punk/post-punk. I'm still bitter about never having seen the Libs, but I've seen pieces of them (Carl & Gary.)
He's your fbook friend and knew you were going and I saw your name and made the connection! small world.
The Vinyl District...bringing people together since 2007.
I hear The Libertines are reforming too...
Nah, Carl's starting his acting career :-)
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