But I surprised myself last night in thinking I haven't listed to say, The Stone Roses for years and years. And another insight which follows on the heels of the last two weeks of posts, the first Roses LP came out in--'89! Why, The Stone Roses are an '80's band. For the life of me, I've never thought of them as such. Hm.
I purchased this record on the strength of the reviews alone never having heard a note. But as the opening of "I Wanna be Adored" swells up and the drums and that guitar line kick in, I fell right down the rabbit hole.
The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored (Mp3)
The Stone Roses - She Bangs The Drums (Mp3)
The Stone Roses - Waterfall (Mp3)
The Stone Roses - I Am The Resurrection (Mp3)
The Stone Roses - Fools Gold (Mp3)