Such is the case with St. Louis’ Living Things who swept through DC last week and played a storming set over at The Rock and Roll Hotel. TVD chatted with Lillian Berlin, the band’s lead vocalist and it seems that he TOO has a predisposition—for vinyl:
"When I search for vinyl I usually end up in a Salvation Army. Albums with titles like Sammy Davis Jr. Sings Jewish Folk Songs, you can only find these classics at your local Army. If I am going for something more mainstream I opt to log on to eBay or hit Vintage Vinyl in St. Louis where I am from, or Grimes in Nashville and Amoeba in the City of Angels. In the end I never get to hear my vinyl collection much, because I am either on the road, on a plane or in the studio with my brothers. Which is when the evil iPod goes into effect..... When I am at home I seem to not want to jam out to the record player cause music is making my ears bleed all day...”
Living Things - Mercedes Marxist (Mp3)
Living Things - Oxygen (Mp3)