Bar-chords | Bars and bar-chords, I grew up being drawn to both. Together they form the pillars of rock n roll. It was actually a quote, something I remembered Frank Black (aka Charles) said in response to the question, “What kind of band are you in?” Charlie’s reply, “well we play a lot of bar chords” How fucking cool a thought. It was the spark which inspired this week’s mix.
Ever since I could remember I wanted to play an electric guitar and be in a band. It’s almost inconceivable to me that anyone wouldn’t. The quickest way to the heart of rock n rock is laying your index finger across a guitar fret while giving those strings a bang. I’ve watched many guitar players closely over years and those who play “big” often play simple chords.
With that in mind I set out to build a playlist. I felt compelled to start with Chuck Berry. From there I zigzagged from British Invasion to 80’s alt, then glam to goth and to current indie rock favs like Deerhunter and Surfer Blood.
From the very start of this musical journey my destination always seemed to be punk rock. Its style and musical attitude will always be at my core. Of all the punks bands two players stood out as heroes, Thunders & Ramone.
I met Johnny Ramone after he retired and moved to LA. Our wives were friends and we hung quite a bit. One day we were hanging at his house and he started complaining about a mutual friend who was trying to buy his guitar. As it turned out Johnny only owned one guitar! I don’t know what he did with that white Mosrite? I took it out and strapped it on once but it only fit one man, the king of the bar-chord.
I begged Johnny not to sell it. He, Thunders and now Malcolm are gone now.
Long live the bar-chord!
The Idelic Hour [4/10/2010] (Mp3, 87Mg)