There are those artists who at the very first listen reveal themselves as having exceptional taste—and exceptional record collections exhibiting that taste.
I mean, who would you rather get to know via a rummage through their records—say, Jack White or Jack Johnson? Joe Jackson or Joe Jonas?
Inventive artist AM falls squarely in the "we'll be up all night sipping wine, listening to gem after vinyl gem from his eclectic and expansive record collection" - category. His music is infused with a diverse set of influences and international styles which quite literally seem to be the byproduct of a number of those aforementioned evenings.
Thus, in the getting to know you category, we're spending the week with Mr. AM. And his record collection.
All week, it's AM's Vinyl District!

When I first heard "Paavoharju" I thought it was some early 70's rare horror soundtrack that was unearthed as a re-issue. I was shocked when I found out they are a current band. This is soundscapist "horror-delica" at it's best. I wouldn't ever put this on at night alone in my house. One of my favorite tracks is "Kuu Iohduttaa Huollestuneita."

All of the records were in amazing shape (but not cheap). I bought a few albums and one was this copy of Ethiopian Soul and Groove. I was well familiar with the Ethiopiques collection so I knew this would be good. I spent a lot of time at Paul Emile Vinyls listening to so many amazing records (and on their vintage Technics turntable). I could hang out in that place all day.

Over the years I really enjoyed seeing both Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel acting in some of my favorites 70's films. And they were great! Simon in Annie Hall (where he classically references his friends "Jack and Angelica") and of course Garfunkel's performance with Jack in Carnal Knowledge. "Scarborough Fair" was also on the soundtrack to another one of my favorite films, The Graduate. Above all this is masterful folk.

I'm blown away. I finally said the hell with it and sent Shawn an email. He got back to me and we've been friends ever since. Music and Rhythm was the first thing I bought of Shawn's and I still love it. Much to my delight Shawn and I have started working on a record together. It's in the very beginning stages, but what we've got drummed up so far is funk/soul/psych/folk-tastic.