What would our 33-1/3 Days of Vinyl Giveaways be without something to play those new records on? Well, happily we don’t need to ponder that dire scenario because our friends at Crosley Radio have offered TVD the brand new CR6007A Tech Turntable to give away as part of our 33-1/3 series of LP Giveaways!
The official info: Blast into the vinyl preservation revolution with the CR6007A Tech Turntable. Simply plug in a USB or SD card to transfer music from your records, giving you the flexibility to put the digital tunes on CDs or your MP3 player. The tech turntable’s playback feature can also be used to listen to prerecorded MP3 files. This Crosley turntable even features a PAR (portable audio ready) hookup for MP3 players, and an analog AM/FM radio for more listening enjoyment.

We’ll be sponsoring the contest to win the Crosley CR6007A Tech Turntable throughout the final 33-1/3 days of Summer 2009. To win, all you need to do is capture our attention in the comments to this post, and on 9/21 we’ll choose one lucky winner from the many witty and intellectual comments we’re certain to receive. (We’re optimists.)
So, make ‘em good. We’ll see ya back here on 9/21 when we choose our winner!
(...and many thanks to Crosley for their generous support!)