Wednesday, March 18, 2009

TVD Victory Lap | Harry Nilsson

If you're a regular or semi-frequent visitor to TVD, Harry Nilsson for a victory lap ain't gonna surprise nor spill that morning cup o' joe steaming on your desk. We're quite Harry-centric.

As we vanquish Winter this week and open the windows to invite in Spring, these six pitch-perfect gems may just be a quite sound soundtrack. And if Harry's new to you, we REALLY need to talk...

Harry Nilsson - Miss Butter's Lament (Mp3)
Harry Nilsson - Girlfriend (Mp3)
Harry Nilsson - Wasting My Time (Mp3)
Harry Nilsson - Open Your Window (Mp3)
Harry Nilsson - Maybe (Mp3)
Harry Nilsson - The Moonbeam Song (Mp3)

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