Spaniards Delorean play the Rock and Roll Hotel next Tuesday (11/23) but before they have you dancing and sweating the night away, they're holding a fan meet and greet at the Sweetgreen location on Capitol Hill.
We've got an opportunity for one of you to score their latest True Panther release, Subiza on vinyl—and if you're here in DC—to come by the meet and greet and have your LP signed in person by the band. If your not in DC (or can't get to the Capitol Hill Sweetgreen) you can still win the LP and have it personalized by Delorean.
First, the info on the meet and greet:
Meet Delorean at Sweetgreen on Capitol Hill
Tuesday, 11/23 at 4PM
221 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Let us know why you should be chosen to win Delorean's newest on vinyl and have it personally autographed by the band in the comments to this post and the most convincing of the bunch will have a new autographed LP to add to his or her collection.
We'll close this one on Tuesday (11/23) at 9AM to give you plenty of time to conjure up your response—and remember to leave us a contact email address with your entry.

1 comment:
August 2006; a young boy stumbles upon a song by the name of "Soon" from a band he had never heard of before, excluding the hours of his life he spent watching "Back to the Future". Alas as a naïve boy frightened by the quality of the music, and the sad fact no one he knew had heard of said band either, he neglected to dig any further into the band and as a result his mind was again left unenlightened.
This was, of course, until two years later when this same boy, albeit not quite as young, heard of the release of a new EP entitled Ayrton Senna, from the same band that had enchanted him for a occasion back at a time that seemed so long ago. This time however he would not blow his chance to truly discover Delorean. As a result he would go on to spend every waking minute of the next few weeks neglecting school work and a social life to sift through and feel the full power of the then Delorean discography.
This brings us another year later where the boy, once so naïve in his taste has now refined them to a point of true enlightenment and though he finds his tastes have drifted slightly away from what they were even a year ago Delorean is still one of the bands he can't stop listening too, even if he wanted too. We join him anxiously awaiting the release of Subiza excited at the potential of the release but, as anyone so entranced would be, worried about this release ruining what had helped shape his life to this point. Finally, at long last the point of the first listen arose and the boy puts on his headphones and suddenly enters a world of musical bliss. He realizes that the sound of this band, that once frightened him with their amazing quality for such an unknown act, will stick with him throughout his life and as long as they continue to record every release will reaffirm that belief.
How do I know all this? For you see, if you haven't already guessed, I was this boys neighbour.... Jokin, the boy is me. Now if only he could hear this amazing album in the kind of quality only attainable through the once forgotten and underrated vinyl and to have it signed? Well lets just say it's a good thing I always sits down while on the computer just in case. ;)
Email: jamesnonen@gmail.com
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