It's Question & Answer time with Jump Back Jake's Jake Rabinbach.
Question: What year were you born?
Question: What's your sign?
Question: Where were you born?
Yes, we know you like to say that, but where did you grow up?
Question: Ok, sure we get it, you spend a lot of time on youtube, but are there other relevant websites you troll? What do they teach you about your life, career choices, financial future?
Question: "Jump Back Jake" is both your name as a person on Earth but also refers to the 4-piece band that records together and plays "gigs." Are you the leader? How does the band make decisions? When you make "final calls" that will make/break the future of the band, how do you find solutions to the "tough problems?"
Question: A lot of your recent material like "King of Romance" and "Call Me Your Man" deals with love and relationships. Do you find that people hear these bleak songs about your life and feel they need to "give you advice" about how to be happy in your life and find a suitable mate that will make you feel complete for your whole life? Who's advice do you take?
Question: What are some records you have enjoyed recently?
Question: We noticed that all of the answers to the previous questions were links to Amazon.com order forms. Why did you (if inadvertently) endorse them as the #1 retailer of digital music when itunes is clearly lapping them?
Question: This whole "only answering questions with links thing is a little cute and maybe a little antagonistic/condescending considering we are buying you lunch (do you always order a double scotch with your vegan burrito at 1pm?) and that you are sitting at the same table with us. But we understand that speaking only through an Apple designed interface is "forward thinking" and equally as effective as a conversation. That said is there anything you can tell us about your new EP, "Call Me Your Man" before we pick up the tab and exchange awkward goodbyes?
Jump Back Jake - Call Me Your Man (Mp3)
Approved for download!
Stream the complete 'Call Me Your Man' EP right here.
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