"...Customers at Sunday's D.C. Record Fair at the Black Cat were looking for more variety in their playlist. They delved back into music from years gone by and discovered that rare find after thumbing through crates of records.
"A lot of the new music nowadays is just crappy. So if you didn't have the old school Chaka Khan, it's still new to you," DJ Adrian Loving of Southwest said of why vinyl records have begun to regain popularity. "You can still buy vinyl for pretty cheap; you can buy an album for, like, a dollar. Also, the idea of being retro and nostalgic comes in waves, and it's like, 'Oh, yeah, let's get vinyl and record players, let's go old school.' " Loving bought five records to add to his 5,000-plus collection, which he said he is hoping to trim to about 2,500 of his absolute loves."
Full article with photos here.
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