Here are the lyrics to "Holy Water Down." What more do you need to know?
she said it's been a long long way
she can barely carry the weight
she said she likes cornbread
she said she likes dangerous men
I just smiled back at her
spent my last joke on her
at least I agree with the part about the cornbread
at least I agree with the part about the cornbread
she said don't put up a fight
just fall into me tonight
I know a place where we can go
I know a place where...
now it's early Sunday morn
and I'm still late for church
not a pair of dress shoes anywhere in sight
not a goddamn tie that I can buy
she just smiles down at me
says she likes my attack
on the TV remote
if it helps God - I don't know
she said don't put up a fight
just fall into me tonight
I know a place where we can go
I know a place where...
now I truly did not know
holy water went so slow
from my mouth to my throat
if it helps God - I don't know
The track "Lawrence Hates Maurice" was written exclusively for The Vinyl District. The first person to correctly answer who the names refer to wins a limited edition silkscreen poster from Mr. Foster.
Sad Crocodile - Promised I'd Write Something Nice (Mp3)
Sad Crocodile - When The Sun Goes Down (Mp3)
Sad Crocodile - Holy Water Down (Mp3)
Sad Crocodile - Sad at Me (Mp3)
Sad Crocodile - Lawrence Hates Maurice (Mp3)
Hi--found this post via John's link at facebook. I know the answer to the question, but only because of my mad googling skilz. I'll let some true music aficionado win the poster!
dr john foster is probably the 21st century's first genius... at least in my book. and i'll take a stab at the riddle with steve lawrence and maurice chevalier, 'cause who doesn't hate chevalier in some small way? smug bastard.
Damn you all and your riddles! I'm not smart. When's the next show?
While a healthy hatred for Chevalier is appreciated but alas - that is not the reference. Smug and bastard likely would have been tossed around between the two.
Writing a song about Steve Lawrence isn't a bad idea though...
Marissa is lying about her intelligence by the way.
Sad Crocodile can be seen DJing at Marx Cafe on October 3rd and playing live at Dahlak on October 4th (time to be confirmed as it is a big obama fundrasier event and we will see how I fare during daylight hours.)
I propose a blogger meetup for 10/3! That means you too, Anti-M!
No winner yet? I was afraid this would be too easy. Where are all the music nerds on this site?
Yea...I felt someone would have picked up on it by now too...
I received a bunch of e-mails as well but none had the answer (although Jon did right away - well played - and Katie's mad googling skills nailed it.) I expect better from the folks that visit this site. Time to bring your "A" game people!
Does it have to do with Lawrence Welk? Joey Lawrence?
Three stooges. Larry and Mo. I think Curly hated Maurice as well.
And by the way, JoGoFo, I'm still expecting a print for Christmas.
The incorrect answers for this have been hilarious so it would be a shame to put an end to it, but here is a little hint - I put this song here based on the nature of Jon's wonderful site and the lyrics are either direct title's of albums or related to famous songs for this band. Now you just need to give me the band name...
There is indeed a clue buried in this comment thread as well...
Would that be Lawrence of Felt and Maurice Deebank, the ace guitarist of their first batch of records? I'd think it fair to say Lawrence wasn't fond of Maurice for awhile at least.
In any case, thanks for the blog, loads of good stuff I've come across here.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!!!!! Let me know where to send some silkscreened goodies. You can e-mail me at john@fuszion.com or just let Jon know here.
So we're saying I was off just a smidge with my Joey Lawrence guess and total failure to name a Maurice...
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