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OK, so - put your fingers realll close together without them touching. Alright, now closer. Closerrr. Now, see that space right there that remains between your fingers? In THERE exists my taste in music amid the entire universe of what's out there. (I like to think there's still a universe within that space, but still.) So, imagine my surprise when a tune on the RADIO no less, stops me in my tracks for a swoon, all 1979 New Wave-like. "Walking With A Ghost". I walked around like a zombie (and a ghost) singing this to myself for WEEKS. And the whole record's damn good too. Those Quinn sisters got it.
I was never a fan of Tegan and Sara, but I decided to give them another chance after your review. I downloaded "Walking With A Ghost" and listened to it multiple times. Now I can admit how right you are. It's an irrepressible tune, one of those earworms that bores into you when you least expect it. Good song Jon, thanks for sharing it!
That was deep, Robert! There indeed exists a whole universe in there, and we are priveleged to have you share it with us :)
But waaait -- I'm Jon! ha...
Color me extremely embarrassed and chalk it up to commenting before I've had my morning coffee. Sorry Jon, I don't know what came over me, my bad :(
...awash in TVD enthusiasm, perhaps?
Well, THAT goes without saying, as always! ;)
I was never a fan of Tegan and Sara, but I decided to give them another chance after your review. I downloaded "Walking With A Ghost" and listened to it multiple times. Now I can admit how right you are. It's an irrepressible tune, one of those earworms that bores into you when you least expect it. Good song Jon, thanks for sharing it!
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