What followed was a improvised, blistering evening of soul searing, over the top, foul-mouthed genius BECAUSE Andy's mom was in the audience...y'know, AFTER he introduced Andy's mom TO the audience. I laughed so hard I told my chiropractor to pencil me in for an additional hour the next day. (Lil tip: think twice before bringing small children and 'the greatest generation' to a Hamell show. Really.)
Ed himself will tell you he's a tough sell. One guy alone on stage making like he's Keith Moon-era Who with this beat up, eighty year-old acoustic guitar he's pummeling like a punk rock Otto Preminger. Then there's the comedy bits ala Bill Hicks and the off the cuff insights. What to make of this salad? I admit that at the time, after much Andy urging, I was a bit of a skeptic. Twenty minutes in however, I was SOLD. But don't take it just from me - in August '07, Hamell received a slew of outstanding reviews and a coveted Herald Award for the production at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland. Three Weeks raved, “The man may very well be a genius. Obscene, outrageous and brilliant.”
So friends, in an effort to cut that first twenty minutes down to a mere three or four for future generations, Hamell himself, in concert with the super swell folks at Righteous Babe Records, bring you another TVD Giveaway--the Hamell On Trial Bag 'O Swag! Said swag bag consists of Ed's three RBR releases, "Tough Love", "Songs For Parents Who Enjoy Drugs", and an autographed copy of the brand new DVD/CD combo "Rant & Roll" which includes the DVD of Ed's one-man theatrical production “The Terrorism Of Everyday Life”. Oh, yea - there's a Hamell tee shirt in the Bag 'O Swag too. And some Righteous Babe stickers you can affix to your forehead. Cool huh?
How do you score this bag, you say? 'Tis simple. Have you seen Hamell live by chance? We want to hear about it. Have you seen Ed run a traffic light or did he flip you off on the Jersey Turnpike? Fill us in. Do you have a similar experience seeing an act for the first time and becoming ye olde convert for life? Pull up a chair - we'll hear your confession. Just leave 'em in the comment section (with some contact info!) and we'll choose the most compelling comment from the lot and announce the Bag 'O Swag winner this time next week--8/20.
And for all you readers in the UK - Ed's in your backyard as you read this very post. Check him out live--just leave the folks at home, K? Dates that include a week of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival can be found right hea'.
All week we'll be going through Ed's Righteous Babe Records back catalog...collect 'em all.
From 2008's "Rant & Roll"
Hamell On Trial - When You Are Young (Mp3)
From 2006's "Songs For Parents Who Enjoy Drugs"
Hamell On Trial - Heat (Mp3)
Hamell On Trial - Inquiring Minds (Mp3)
Hamell On Trial - Pretty Colors (Mp3)
From 2003's "Tough Love"
Hamell On Trial - A Little Concerned, That's All (Mp3)
Hamell On Trial - Don't Kill (Mp3)
Hamell On Trial - Hail (Mp3)
Hamell On Trial - There Is A God (Mp3)
The weekend I became a life long Grant Lee Phillips/Buffalo fan. Friday night, channel 4, Grant Lee Buffalo are on a music show and introduced with the Michael Stipe thinks this is best album of the year speal. Saturday (31st Oct)afternoon I meet The Breeders for autograph signing, lovely people, happen to be next to guy asking to be on guest list. Took opportunity to be on that list. Went to gig, got there early, seen 12 string acoustic guitar on stage with support band set-list. Hag come out to play wonderful set-list and never reveiled the true band name. The breeders were great as well but my love of Hag/Grant Lee Buffalo continues to this day.
I had heard about Ed Hammel1 about 4 or so years ago through a friend. He was performing one night in town, so I dragged my folk singer friend with me to see the show. I figured Ed was a story teller using only his guitar for accompaniment, and she (being a folk singer and all) was a story teller as well - she HAD to like him! Well,what I did not realize was that my friend had a hearing loss problem, and 2 songs into the performance had to retreat to the neighboring room (away from the stage). I stayed and ruined my hearing a wee bit, but it was worth it. About a year or so later in NYC, I was with a friend in a used cd store. I pulled a Hammell CD out the bin, and told her to get it. At the check out counter, I received complete validation of my musical tastes. The store clerk rang up the cd and said "All riggghttt, you got the Hammell!"
That's right! cgilcrease@hotmail.com
I was around five, playing one of the stands on the boardwalk with my mom. You put a dime on a number or symbol pressed a button and the big wheel spun. That day I won the first record that I got to pick. I made the decision. Of course I went for the shiniest gold lookin’ record they had behind the stand- Grand Funk’s We’re An American Band. I had no idea who they were but the summer sun was reflecting off of that album jacket into my young eyes and I was mesmerized. When I got my prize home I was floored. The actual LP was made of clear orange, “gold” vinyl. I had never seen anything like it. I loved that record. That album was my first, personally selected foray into rock and roll. I held onto that record for years. One summer I returned home from school to find all of my albums gone. Every last album since that first one, that shiny Grand Funk record was gone. My step mother sold the lot of them at a garage sale for what amounted to a dollar and change. I'm sure she used it to buy some terribly cheap coffee or a bottle of sale priced dish soap. With that sale went my youth and at that moment, I was an adult.
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