We've been fans of Peter Bjorn and John from the first puckered whistle of 'Young Folks' but apparently we're pretty late to the party because the band is celebrating ten years together with a tour that brings them to the 9:30 this Saturday night with El Perro del Mar.
We've got three, count 'em THREE, pairs of tickets to give away for Saturday night's birthday party for the band. Leave your birthday wishes in the comments to this post (with contact info - important!) and we'll choose the most creative three to attend er, ...free.
Contest closes this this coming Friday at noon!
Peter Bjorn and John - Don't Move Me (Miike Snow Remix) (Mp3)
Happy bjornday PB&J. Getting older is nothing to worry about. Would love to get these tickets.
best wishes and here's to ten more years of fun, poppy songs! kat@pprplns.com
You make me proud to say I'm Swedish. I'm not Swedish, but you make me wish I was. Hopefully I'll get the chance to bring you a giant "10th Anniversary" PB&J sandwich on Saturday. you brought whistling back into my life.
thank you and congrats!
Dear PB&J, I won't sit down and I won't shut up, but most of all I will not grow up and I hope you won't either! Happy birthday! B-day drinks on me this Saturday :-)
In some ways, you've always been a part of my life, initially as a tasty sandwich, and now as a tasty trio. Thanks for producing songs that are so good it's hard to speak, probably because my mouth is so full of peanut butter.
PB&J, what can I say?? Happy mothafriggin '10-year as a band' bday.... congrats on not ending up like Liam and Noel :) see you Saturday!! (hopefully) >> stellar0240@gmail.com
Dear P B & J:
glad to see you guys are celebrating a decade of rock...you're still 'young folks'--just wanted to say that i gave the song "lets call it off" to my x-girlfriend to cancel our relationship..now i would love to take my NEW girlfriend to the show saturday night!!! you guys complete me.
"I Don't Know What I Want Us To Do" but "Does It Matter Now" since it's your 10th year as a group I want to "Stay This Way" and hang out with the "Young Folks on Saturday at the 9:30 Club.
I love Peter Bjorn and John. Most groups decline or shift into odd things over time but Living Things is amazing. I've been excited about this show for awhile now.
When this contest was posted, I had the the ingenious idea of physically writing a birthday message and taking a picture. The catch was that it would be using 12" and 45s -- this is the Vinyl District after all! Unfortunately, when I caught a flight from the Midwest and moved to DC two months ago, I left the majority of my vinyl with a friend. -- which reminds me, I need to pick up Seaside Rock on vinyl-- anyway, I pleaded with them to do this for me.
An hour before the contest ends and at last, nothing. I tried. :(
So now, all I have left is this plot device and a rough architectural plan scribbled on an envelope. I totally would have made a cake if I didn’t think it would happen. It’s time that I break up with this friend and found a new person to take to the show tomorrow.
Happy birthday Peter Bjorn and John. Please accept my scribbled birthday message as an appreciation for the body on your work. Just kinda squint your eyes and visualize it.
2020.06.03酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大行業陸續解封,其中台中市已經有75家酒店在昨(1)我在酒店上班的日子日正式復工,不過業者不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因還是得落實防疫規定,所有工作人員都必須戴口罩、保持社交距離,違反規定者最重可處歇業處分。鞭炮聲響起,台中市酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金酒店在停業1個半月後重新開張,原本酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?用來宣傳店內的佳麗跑馬燈,改成為第一線醫護人員加油打氣,防疫依舊不能鬆懈。首日復工全面備戰,員警到場臨檢,職場須知 【酒店PT 】一個一個得接受體溫測量才能進到店內查核,確保場內所有人都有戴口罩、保持社交距離,落實實名登記制。但疫情過後,驚傳酒店女不回去了。前酒店小姐:「今天才第一天開業而已,然後大家都趕快叫小姐回去,有的人轉正業,可能沒辦法馬上離職,缺小姐一定有。」酒店公關黃先生:「如果沒有(小姐)的話我們可以再應徵啊,沒有其他薪水比酒店高的啦,所以她們也是不得不回來。」很多人想找酒店上班,卻沒有良好的管道,媽咪的部落格算是管道之一!但媽咪要請妳問一下自己確定要來酒店上班了嗎?在酒店上班,必須承受許多許多的不公平與,這表示我還不夠好,而且不誨言的,我也希望收入可以增加!) 雖說酒店上班一個星期的收入等於一個上班族一個月二至三萬的薪水,八大行業絕不是輕鬆的工作很多沒在酒店上班過的都認為酒店上班是個輕鬆的工作、薪水也很多,其實薪水是有比一般工作要來的多沒錯。這陣子酒店休業損失慘重,貼出營業公告中多了一行「應徵酒店女」。受疫情衝擊的還有計程車司機。計程車司機:「差很多啦,以前都有(一天)2、3千,現在1千不到,(這陣子都去做什麼工作?)做鐵工啊。」酒店首日復工,業者全力衝刺拚業績,疫情趨緩之際,酒店開業防疫還是得擺第一。Q:未成年為什麼不能到酒店打工? A:法務部有規定未成年不得進出酒家、特種咖啡茶室、電子遊戲場...等等違反的話最嚴重的罰責是"歇業"或"停業究竟要如何在第一天就上手酒店的工作呢?許多人都認為酒店是個複雜的環境,不過與現實社會的壓力相較,酒店上班家人、男友會知道嗎?酒店兼職懶人包,酒店應徵必須懂的事,閃酒秘訣大公開,面對奧客一次就上手,酒店工作前應該注意的幾件事,這裡沒有天花亂墜的酒店應徵,都會問說到酒店上班要不要簽約。 事實上一般都是不需要簽約。
1: 酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容已現在酒店上班沒有所謂的簽合約/切結書,因為這樣是綁小姐的做法,很不道德…【小姐總有一天會離開,強求她留在八大這是不人道的行為】
2: 我在酒店上班的日子在職人員想更換經紀人或酒店不想做了…卻有合約在身怎麼辦~…!?我梁曉尊直接跟你說可以馬上離開了
a : 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?合約內容酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想妳在職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。我梁曉尊跟妳說【妳被唬了】
d : 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
e :我梁曉尊做經紀人快十年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。
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