I'm in Nashville right now, just played the Ryman Auditorium with our dear friends the Avett Brothers. Sang with some ghosts in the dressing room. The feeling of playing on that stage was something between complete humbleness and a supernatural elation.
Anyways, today I met up with my friend Lisa from the band the Poconos and her boyfriend Quinn from the Gay Blades. We set out to do a little record shopping. We started talking about how when it's fun to go record shopping at your local, we do most of our record shopping on the road. The album serves as a reminder of where you were when you bought it every time you take off the shelf to listen to it.

My record collection acts like a memory trigger scrapbook. When I listen to my orange Sopwith Camel record it reminds me of the great little record shop next to the 40 Watt in Athens, GA. That store was the size of a closet yet they had every record you could ever want. When I listen to my "Songs to Read James Bond By" record, it reminds me of the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, OH. This venue has a wonderful thrift shop and record store in the basement. The backstage also resembles a basement from the 70s and every time we have played there they made us meatloaf and greenbeans and mashies. That record will always recall my moments there.
The same with my Otis Redding Anthology I got at Repo Records the day after I graduated college when I was thinking Philadelphia might be a great place to live. There are too many to list. These records will always serve so much more than just music for me. They help me remember.
Otis Redding - I Can't Turn You Loose [Live] (Mp3)
Otis Redding - I've Been Loving You Too Long [Live] (Mp3)
Otis Redding - Mr. Pitiful (Mp3)
Otis Redding - These Arms Of Mine (Mp3)
Otis Redding - Amen (Mp3)
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這行會有所犧牲(如睡眠時間 和朋友家人相聚的時間 多少要喝酒 遇到鄰居或國中同學怎麼辦..等等)
消費花錢是妳情我願,但是怎麼讓客人願意花錢在妳身上這才是重點,建議妳反向思考,若妳是消費者一小時要花那麼多錢 妳會去消費嗎?
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