Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
At last count, 1,460 people came through the doors of The Black Cat today for the 4th DC Record Fair. We thank you all, The Black Cat, and the DJ's for an amazing day. The first shots are in courtesy Kyle Gustafson.
We'll see you in the morning when we're back at it...more vinyl giveaways, we've got some tickets, and a thought or five on the music industry as it stands or falls around us. Right now, there's a pint with my name onnit.
What better way to show someone that their taste in music has you swooning than you and he or she joining us on Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14 from noon to 6PM for a little rummage through the crates. Thirty dealers from up and down the East Coast worth of crates at the DC Record Fair!
And yes, yes...we heard your gripes in the past...TOO crowded...had to wait in lines, too cramped...etc., etc. But fret not! Our first Record Fair of 2010 lands at The Black Cat so you have plenty of room to rummage and roam and refresh. We heard you, ok?
All of this on a President's Day Weekend so if you, y'know, over indulge (wallet and gullet) you'll have Monday to dream it all away.
Click here to download the Record Fair Poster designed by our friend El Jefe to plaster all over your bedroom or blog. We're printing a ridiculously short run of these which will be available at the show. If we get a wildly enthusiastic comment to this post, we'll award one to one person who shows up in person to claim it.
So, we'll see you Sunday, February 14th from noon to 6 at The Black Cat, right? Brought to you by your pals at Som Records,DC Soul Recordings, and us!