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A lot of people really seem to be digging on Neko Case lately. While I by no means think she's talentless, in fact it's quite the opposite, I much prefer her mentor and New Pornographers' bandmate A.C. (as he has dubbed himself for his solo career) Newman. Maybe it's the way he sings even his most passionate songs with a slight feeling of detachment-like there's a wall between him and the listener that one just can't seem to get through. Maybe it's the fact that I can listen to his songs over and over again and find something different to like about them each and every time. Or, maybe it's the fact that I love Canadians. Whatever the reason may be, I love me some A.C. Newman. I find his songs to be catchy but also to contain a haunting brilliance that proves he has the ability to create music that is more complex, sincere, and sapient than it appears to be at first listen.
Newman released his second solo album, "Get Guilty," in January of this year and seems to be a nice supplement to the NP's most recent album, "Challenger." "Get Guilty" is a nice followup to his first solo album, "The Slow Wonder," which just reinforces how great he is- how many musicians are able to balance solo and group careers and put out great pieces of art? Answer: not many. Few and far between. Etc.
A.C. Newman is playing at the Black Cat on March 18th (you know I must think he's good if I'm recommending you see him instead of the Pogues that night) and if you didn't get tickets to Neko Case before both of her shows sold out, like the New Pornographers, or simply think that any recommendation I give should be followed without question, I suggest you pick up a ticket.