International time zones and global touring schedules being what they are, we received Ken's final Posies TVD takeover post well into our own Friday night happy hour. Thus, a spillover day.
Now, if you recall from Friday, Jon was waltzing with The Smiths' 'Hatful of Hollow'...
My finishing up.
Being at the midway point between Seattle and Vancouver, we kind of got the best of both worlds, and of course we were just out of range of a lot of the bandwidth too. However, we could easily get CBC radio and pick up a show called Brave New Wave, which would play the latest stuff from Britain, basically giving us a time machine view of the future of music, which was solace indeed for us living in the land of Winger.
One weekend I missed the show, but a guy I played in a band with at the time had taped selections off the radio and played a moody, but oddly catchy and uptempo number called "What Difference Does It Make". There was something almost goth about the guy crooning away over a riff that was modern sounding, but also garagey, almost something you'd hear on a Yardbirds album or something. We were sold, and learned the song and started covering it right away. Well lo and behold if it wasn't too much later that Jon had the band's album...the first Smiths album never made an appearance in Bellingham but 'Hatful of Hollow' sure did, which was an epic collection of Peel Sessions, singles, etc...pretty impressive for a band that hardly been around more than a couple of years. As it was the only copy this town would see for some years, yes, I Coveted my Neighbor's Vinyl, but in the world of record owning and swapping, to covet is a virtue, far from a sin.

Now for some reason, tho Jon & I were mates and spent every afternoon together making music, we never borrowed each other's records. Kind of an honor amongst musicians kind of thing...one fuckup could throw the whole friendship into disarray. So, I we'd listen to the Smiths at Jon's place...and I honestly thought that it would be more likely for me to find dinosaur feathers than ever get my hands on a copy.
That is, til Jon, in a compulsive act of ...who knows, he liked to buy and sell things, so...that was a greater pleasure than having things. Not for me! I snatched that sucker up straight away, and backed it up on cassette. Yesss! I think I ended up with his Scritt Poitti record too, which he paid for from his Smiths earnings.