Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
Lest any of you think my pining away this week for a real brick and mortar version of The Vinyl District was some Yoko Ono-like 'wish poem'...well, you’re only partly right. Some interesting offers did come our way, although all best seized upon when the thing actually exists.
But I don’t need this to happen today or tomorrow. Or next week or next month. Longer range is fine.
In September we tipped you to the alcohol infused Saturday brunch that was Paul Michel's video shoot for the track 'Surround Me' and today TVD's proud to premiere the finished gem:
Our friends at All Our Noise shot some behind the scenes footage and also chatted with Paul before the cameras rolled. Check that here.
My mom used to run that old line on me all the time, “Well, mister – if EVERYone jumped off a bridge, would YOU?” To which the answer was always no, I guess.
But if EVERYone was talking about a new band you HAVE to hear...would you? To which the answer is well, ...sometimes.
So, let’s get you ahead of the curve and introduce you to Little Fish — before they make their big splash:
"Great to see a rock band focusing on melody rather than senseless riffery….they certainly pack a punch." —London Daily Star
"Everybody's new favourite band Little Fish." —Oxford Mail
"My new Patti Smith. Juju has an amazing voice" —Gaz Coombes, Supergrass
"Twice as good as the best unsigned act you've ever heard... and then some." —Tim Bearder, BBC Radio Oxford
"When it comes to hearing good new bands for the first time, there's sit-up-and- take-notice music and there's jump-up-and-accidentally-bang-your-head-on-the- ceiling music. Little Fish are the first, immediately transposed by the second." —Dave, BBC Radio Oxford
"Little Fish are destined to rule the airwaves." —BBC Radio Oxford
"It took Juju 6.9 seconds, wearing a wife-beater suggestively perked in two places, her brilliant vocals, wicked guitar playing and hard accompanying drums to turn us all into a Sex Pistol. Little Fish is music's missionary position and why they're NOT on NME's list of New Bands to watch in 2008 is beyond me. I would definitely make space for Little Fish." —Hugh Tomasz, Tavern Times
Little Fish is a duo; one half is guitarist, singer, and songwriter Juju, the other half is Nez, powerhouse drummer. They release their Linda Perry-produced LP ‘Baffled & Beat’ in 2010, but we’ve got the advance single for one savvy commenter to this post who’s 180-degrees ahead of the curve.
Download the single below and shoot us your raves about that band in this post’s comments (with contact info—IMPORTANT!) and we’ll award the single to the most insightful of the bunch. You’ve got ‘til Friday at noon...