I’ve come up with so many different lists from so many different starting points here – songs from a year / songs from a particular compilation tape / songs with a theme /songs… ach, eventually we just need to play what we need to play. Always remember the ‘gremlins’ rule (don’t make a playlist after midnight and expect it to behave itself – not much of that one is left here) but that aside, this is a mixture of some old and some newish, some things well known and some maybe unknown, some brightness and some bleakness, a bit of anger and a bit of hope. Can’t fault that. You have a good weekend.
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Tell Me When My Light Turns Green (Mp3)
Maximo Park - Distance Makes (Mp3)
Callaghan - No Way Out (Mp3)
The Open - Close My Eyes (Mp3)
*Teevo - Mexico (Mp3)
Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. - Call Me Ishmael (Mp3)
Belle and Sebastian - The Boy Done Wrong Again (Mp3)
OMD - Souvenir (Mp3)
Battle - Tendency (Mp3)
Wah! - The Story of the Blues (Mp3)
(It's all about Part 2 x+x)