Monday, January 7, 2008

TVD: Twee'd Off

We're delighted to have been invited to contribute to the interesting international collective known as Fun and Heartbreak. Come join us, won't you?

TVD's Daily Wax | Joe Jackson Band "Volume 4"

At one point during the past weekend with the house to myself and a cold one in hand, I blasted last Monday's Daily Wax -- the Joe Jackson Band's "Beat Crazy" followed by the reunited band's '03 release "Volume 4." Now, Joe's taken some serious detours between these two 'band' releases...swing, salsa, film scoring and more -- but you wouldn't know it playing these two LP's back to back. There's a continuity of energy, attack and wit like those divergent musical paths of Joe's were never taken. See what I mean:

Joe Jackson Band - Bright Grey (Mp3)
Joe Jackson Band - Fairy Dust (Mp3)
Joe Jackson Band - Take It Like A Man (Mp3)
Joe Jackson Band - Awkward Age (Mp3)
Joe Jackson Band - Thugz 'R' Us (Mp3)