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You've read where lightening doesn't strike the same place twice, right? Well, without hesitation I state that if it wasn't for the one/two punch of 'Fox on the Run' and 'Ballroom Blitz', you wouldn't be reading this blog right now. Although released a few years apart, in the States as singles they seem to have come out one on top of the other--or at least the AM stations out of New York City were playing these two back to back. Both tracks kicked me in the ass as a wee lad. Long before I was listening to The Beatles, it was Sweet and Queen on constant 45RPM rotation...which must serve to explain my awkward fringe and octave-penetrating falsetto. (Hmm.)
Got a hankering for air drums and vodka? As part of the Nordic Jazz Festival at the House of Sweden, Sweden's own Wildbirds and Peacedrums--who just might out-Bjork Bjork--will take the stage on the rooftop terrace this Thursday night (6/12) at 8PM. BYT has got all your details riiight here.
Ye olde 'Forke went on record: "It's easy to think that music made by relatively few people, with relatively familiar instruments, should fall under the canopy of "folk": uncluttered, transparent, linked to past traditions. Wildbirds and Peacedrums-- husband-and-wife Swedes Andreas Werliin and Mariam Wallentin-- compose most of their debut, Heartcore, with Werliin's compact drum work and Wallentin's orbital, precise vocals; there is an arc to their work that imbues it with the austerity and heartiness (no pun) of folk music. Despite its simple ingredients, Heartcore is neither native nor instinctual. "Primal" or "sparse" miss the point, too; Heartcore, instead, is cleverly orchestrated pop music preternaturally reliant on the skills of its performers: Both Werliin and Wallentin were music school dropouts, and their technically sound playing disguises the complexity and range of Heartcore's material." Read the rest here.