But not to let some press buzz be the only thing out there, the Darlins have hit the road this summer AND hit our area once more with a show this Tuesday night (7/7) at Iota. And right you are—we've got a pair of tickets to put in your hands.
Typically, we ask you to rant and rave in the comments to win the tix and actually this time it's no different. But we'd like to award the pair to the cleverest commenter who has a suggestion OTHER than this method to win the crazy prizes and stuff we're giving away each and every week now.
So, get out the pens and paper kids, the sliding rules, the protractors and what ever else you got to see Those Darlins this Tuesday. Help us out and we'll help you out. Remember to leave us some contact info too! We'll choose our winner on Tuesday morning.

Those Darlins - Red Light Love (Mp3)
Those Darlins - Wild One (Mp3)