Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
Inexplicably, the '80's are back with a vengeance. And for about a moment or two, I was charmed. But folks...a polite reminder -- the '80's were a reaction to the swagger of the '70's. The DIY aesthetic was a reaction to the overblown pomposity of an era. But '80's for '80's sake is a reaction to well, being fresh out of ideas. (And the 'ironic' boat shoes? Just a tip: weren't cool then. Even worse now.) Rule #3: Stop ripping off the '80's. Rip off the '70's.
I received an email to TVD HQ a little while back which read something to the effect of "we hear you've blogged about Minnie Ripperton's "Loving You" and that you're a fan. Please check out our artist's rendition, etc., etc..."
I was sort of scratching my head, really. I mean, I guess I included "Loving You" among some '70's posts, but a fan? That seemed strong. But more worrisome was the notion of someone covering that song with its myriad of octaves. First, that person would have to have an incredible range, and even IF that was the case, that tune could easily tumble right into the schmaltz category...and not in a good way. But I clicked the link anyway.
And was pretty blown away:
For a week when we're discussing the hit or miss (ok, largely miss) nature of the music industry these days and the artists and bands foisted upon us, along comes Minnie as a reminder of genuine, non-Protool talent. And none too soon, as well...
"Hey Everybody! I'm Minnie Murphy and I'm so excited to be a featured artist on The Vinyl District this week! My first single, "Take Me To Texas Tonight" is being released to radio right now and I don't know what to expect next. I'm very proud of the work and I really hope that people like it. It's taken me awhile to get this far but this song has stood strong for 8 years now and I'm just so excited for the world to finally hear it. Check out more of my music at Thanks so much for listening."