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All Request Week continues here at TVD, and frankly I'm surprising myself with what's stashed in the archives--so Mark, here's a three-fer for you this morning. Good pal (and your WellerWeek author) Noah also wrote requesting some Grant Lee Buffalo, and here's two of my favorites.
And Mr. B. Walker, I've got some bad news, however--I got nuthin'. Those are some obscure requests there, my friend. But here's a tip, go check out what whiteray's up to at Echoes in the Wind. His exceptional taste and story-telling seems to be riiight up your alley. Tell him TVD sentcha'.
One of my favorite bands as of late, Ghost Mice, a little known band consisting of a guy on guitar and a girl on violin, who work their behinds off playing shows in peoples' houses, community centers, churches, wherever they can really, have a song in which they sing "punk rock music saved my life." When I heard those lyrics I felt something surge through me, memories of the past- people, places, events- that will stick with me always but which I rarely think about these days. It was both an overwhelming and wonderful feeling, hearing those lyrics. This is what led me to my first official TVD post. I credit a few punk bands with really influencing my tastes in music and my outlook on life (which you will, no doubt hear about in the near future) and while they didn't exactly "save my life," the Adicts have always had the ability to get me in the mood for going out and having a good time.
Although they began in the 1970s, the following decade was when they really shined. Sure they rose to popularity on the indie charts well after punk was pronounced "dead" but their songs are the kind that even the most square of persons can tap their feet to while sitting in a dingy bar waiting for the band they've come to see take the stage. I couldn't decide which album to offer a tasting of so I've given you kids a smattering of 1981's "Songs of Praise" and 1982's "Sound of Music." Listen and let these Clockwork Orange-esque punkers get you "adicted."