Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
We’d like to thank The Watson Twins for spending the snowy week with us here at TVD. They've got some parting thoughts and some parting tracks streaming via lala for a change this week. (...for reasons we’ll get into next week. Oh, yes we will.)
So we have reached the end of the week for “The Watson Twins Vinyl District Takeover.” It has been a pleasure to post on some of the things that make our little world go round. We’ve shared inspirations and favorite locations, songs that tickle our eardrums and emerging new sounds. There’s a lot going on at the moment, with the release of “Talking To You, Talking To Me”… but by hosting The Vinyl District for the week, we have been able to reflect on why we continue to write and record songs.
Lots and lots of beautiful music being made in this world and blogs like this one help to keep people informed about underground stuff on the level. It’s always amazing to discover new songs or artists that perhaps we would have never found if not for folks on the web scouring every vault, nook and cranny and posting it for all to hear.
Lots and lots of beautiful music being made in this world and blogs like this one help to keep people informed about underground stuff on the level. It’s always amazing to discover new songs or artists that perhaps we would have never found if not for folks on the web scouring every vault, nook and cranny and posting it for all to hear.
That being said we’d like to end our last day here at The Vinyl District with a little play list we put together. Being twins we also share a lot of the same taste in music and that taste is very diverse… as I’m sure you can see from the songs we’ve picked. We hope that through our posts, maybe y’all have discovered some music that is gonna be in constant rotation on your turntable. Signing off… xo-TWT
One of the happy coincidences to being The Official Blog forRecord Store Day 2010 is that we're afforded the opportunity to underscore one of our main themes—namely that vinyl is a contemporary medium, one that's never really gone away, and is perhaps thriving and more vital than it has been in some time (DJ's, purists, and collectors notwithstanding.)
So, to that end, we're spending the next ten weeksstraight putting records into the hands of TVD readers as we count down to April 19, 2010—Record Store Day.
The rules can't be any simpler: each Monday for the next ten weeks we'll be launching a new RSD2010 Vinyl Giveaway and all you need to do to enter to win is to leave a comment in the comments section to that week's giveaway letting us know why you deserve to win that week's LP.
Be creative, funny, incisive—whatever it takes to grab our attention to deem you the winner. Most important however is to leave us a contact email address! You can be brilliant as hell, but if we can't track ya' down, you're out of the running. Winners will be notified upon the launch of the next giveaway.
And with that, we're launching the the very first of our LP giveaways with Charlotte Gainsbourg's Beck-produced, 'IRM.' (Check back with us later today because we have another for you too...)
What started as a brief recording session between Charlotte Gainsbourg and Beck ended up to be the body of work that is IRM. Over the course of a year and a half of writing and recording together, Beck's role grew to encompass all aspects of the creative process. He worked seamlessly with Charlotte co writing the lyrics and produced and mixed the recording. (This is the first time he has ever been so involved in another artist's work.)
The official first single off the album is "Heaven Can Wait" featuring Beck. Sonically, the album is a new direction for Charlotte Gainsbourg and her first in nearly four years. Beck's iconic and spacey production blends flawlessly with Charlotte's unique vocals and delivery.