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Picking up with the "solid return to form" theme from yesterday is this selection from the Wikipedia entry for 'Dandy in the Underworld', Marc Bolan and T-Rex's last official LP release, "At the time of the album's release Marc Bolan and T.Rex were on a UK tour, supported by The Damned. The album and tour were notable for marking a return to form for the band. Dandy in the Underworld gathered the most consistently positive reviews for any T.Rex album in five years. Having fallen from critical and commercial favour the band had endured some fiercely hostile press but NME, who had been amongst the most negative, noted of the album: "very listenable, well arranged immaculately played." . . . The album was praised for the strength of the songwriting and Bolan's vocal performances. The title track was released as a single but failed to chart. "I Love to Boogie" and "The Soul of My Suit" did achieve chart placings in the UK. After three commercially weak albums, Dandy in the Underworld was regarded by many T.Rex fans as a comeback for the band.
Thanks for falling right in line there, Wikipedia. Pitchfork noted in tandem with a 2006 reissue, ". . . the album finds a reinvigorated Bolan crafting some of his best hooks and calibrating his catchiest grooves in years. The cosmic "Crimson Moon", the infectious "I'm a Fool for You Girl", and the album's centerpiece, "Jason B. Sad", alternate between carefree and cautious, conjuring a gravity that counterbalances the upbeat, stripped-down rhythms.
Sadly, this was to be an unrealized upswing in Bolan's career as he passed away on September 16, 1977 when the car being driven by his wife struck a sycamore tree -- two weeks before his 30th birthday.