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I read once that, in general, a child's first sense of inebriation happens on the playground in the form of the merry-go-round, the swings, the slide, etc. And that we, as adults, attempt to recreate 'baby's first buzz' via all sorts of intoxicants. It's the singular pursuit of 'that buzz' in it first and finest form that seems to become the prime motivator. Well, today there are flowers in the courtyard. The trees have turned from merely budding to a noticeable green. It's warming. And somewhere in some sleepy town, a yellow bus pulls up to the bus stop with a crackly FM radio tuned into the crusty classic rock station and 'Aja' comes sputtering out. And nostrils flair to the soundtrack of baby's first Springtime buzz. Exactly the way it happened for me.