Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
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This may be the best time of the year. This is the winter/spring transition, when you can walk around in early morning sunshine, still wear your coolest jacket and call in sick because the pollen in the air is fucking up your sinuses (True or not, still very believable.)
True story. Last week I went to see the Weakends, a wonderfully trashy, reverbed-out garage band from Broudeux, France. Think in the vein of Demons Claws (another great French-Canadian garage band) with less of the country western influence, and add more a post-apoc blues touch.)
Unfortunately, the man with the drumkit never showed up. So, being the resourceful foreigners that they were (I mean, only one of them could drive, it was their first time in America, no GPS, no cellphone, just drove from Atlanta to New Orleans to Austin to here with no complaints) a junk drum kit was McGuyvered using a snare drum, paint bucket, tambourine, and maybe a plastic case or something. It took only a little coaxing and a few swigs of bourbon to convince them to play to a room of... one really drunk dude cussing everyone out in Spanish, two bleary professionals (fading fast), the sound guy, and yours truly.
And I'm not full of hyperbole when I declare that it sounded completely raw, it was loud and it was beautiful. In the spirit of DC, and street drummers everywhere, this was truely one of the finer moments I've had at a show recently.
So, this is what you should know. Their self-titled LP is out on Rob's House Records. Mailorder that! (Note: also Digitally available on iTunes, but that's not why we're here..)
"By day and night, fancy electronic dishes are trained on the heavens. They are listening for smudged echoes of the moment of creation. They are listening for the ghost of a chance. They may help us make sense of who we are and where we came from; and, as a compassionate side effect, teach us that nothing is ever lost.
So... I rake the sky. I listen hard. I trawl the megahertz. But the net isn't fine enough, and I miss you - a swan sailing between two continents, a ghost immune to radar.
Still, my eyes are fixed upon the place I last saw you, your signal urgent but breaking, before you became cotton in a blizzard, a plane coming down behind enemy lines."