Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
Look me in the eye/Then, tell me that I’m satisfied/Was you satisfied?/Look me in the eye/Then, tell me that I’m satisfied/Hey, are you satisfied?/And it goes so slowly on/Everything I’ve ever wanted/Tell me what’s wrong/Look me in the eye/And tell me that I’m satisfied/Were you satisfied?/Look me in the eye/Then, tell me I’m satisfied/And now are you satisfied?/Everything goes/Well, anything goes all of the time/Everything you dream of/Is right in front of you/And everything is a lie/Look me in the eye/And tell me that I’m satisfied/Look me in the eye/Unsatisfied/I’m so, I’m so unsatisfied/I’m so dissatisfied/I’m so, I’m so unsatisfied/I’m so unsatisfied/Well, I’m-a/I’m so, I’m so unsatisfied/I’m so dissatis,dissattis...I’m so.
Some things about today's 'First Date' Perhapst that perhaps you didn't know:
John Moen, aka Perhapst, is the former drummer for Elliott Smith and Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks.
John is the current drummer for The Decemberists.
John plays the majority of instruments on the record (and Stephen Malkmus assisted Moen, too.)
The live band consists of: John Moen, Chris Funk (also a current member of The Decemberists), Jonathan Drews (Sunset Valley), and Eric Lovre (Dharma Bums).
"Perhapst" is filled with quirky, catchy, hook-laden indie-pop, experimental folk-rock, and even some twang for flavor, all delivered with a smirk and a smile.
"I am 40. I prefer vinyl records. I assume it is because I grew up with this format, and the fact that it never failed me, that I will still always purchase my music in this way, given a choice. When recording-it is just part of my vernacular to say that "I am making a new record", or "I am making a new album." I never say "I am making a new CD" or "I am creating an assemblage of songs for download." I salivate when faced with a cruddy old box of LPs and have to be forcibly pulled out of moldy old record stores. The idea that there might be a treasure hidden in a stack of records is more than I can stand. Looking for gems amongst the scratched up Montovani Christmas albums is my favorite hobby.
This passion is not so much about 'analog versus digital' for me, as a matter of fact my stereo is such that practically everything sounds a little crummy. The whole deal is centered more on what I'd call tangibility. When I own a record of music that I love, I can't help but feel that I am more connected to that music. It feels less invisible and in fact, I can read the liner notes without resorting to a magnifying glass. I could probably use new glasses... Whatever the format--I bid you, Happy Listening."