Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
So, when I say 'The Wailers' to you—what comes to mind?
Legends, for one. Positive vibrations. Punky Reggae Party. One love...
The Wailers are heading out for a second round on their sold-out nationwide "Exodus Tour," which brings them to Washington, DC this Saturday night! The dates will feature a full performance of the classic 1977 album of the same name, Exodus, named "Album of the Century" by Time Magazine, and featuring the anthem "One Love," deemed "Song of the Millennium" by the BBC.
The Wailers will be using the tour to bring more attention to their "I Went Hungry," which donates unused funds from the band's hospitality riders directly to the United Nation's World Food Program. To date, the charity has already fed over 120,000 people.
The Wailers will be playing at the National Harbour as part of the Sunset Concerts Festival this Saturday night (5/2) and TVD has TWO sets of tickets to give away.
Sooo—when I say 'The Wailers' to you—what comes to mind?
Let us know in the comments and perhaps you'll be front and center, skanking right next to us here at TVD HQ this Saturday. We'll accept comments (with contact info!) up until noon on Friday, 5/1.
Very often it seems like Mr. Fiftypercent over at Mine For Life and I shared quite similar listening habits throughout the ‘80’s. The only difference is that somehow he was able to hold on to those LPs he shares on his blog, whereas many of mine went missing between various DJ gigs and residences too numerous to mention.
So, it’s always a welcome stop-over to see what he’s pulled from his collection and posted and what foggy memory will crystallize. And as such, we find ourselves over at Fifty’s place this morning:
"When Jon asked me to contribute a brief introduction and some music for a new piece he was putting together, I had two thoughts. I’ve been flattered when mentioned by other blogs in the past, but I’ve never had to blow my own trumpet, so to speak. So my first thought was that I have no idea why anyone would be bothered to visit my little web-hole. But then the other side of me kicked in and I began thinking that this was a great idea: prepare to be amazed, people.
And that, I suppose, is the gist of what I try to offer with my blog – where the assiduous, contemplative geek battles with the autocratic poseur. As a Brit transplanted to the American South, I am constantly marching with bewilderment on one arm and assurance on the other. Kind of like Alan Rickman pitching a baseball.
So, what of the music? As if my own erudite ramblings were not enough, my musical leanings tend to languish rather firmly in that period between 1984 and 1987 when new wave was becoming old and technological advances meant that every new chart hit had to sound like Johnny Hates Jazz. I am drawn to hidden gems, also-rans, major label footnotes, and above all, the sound. A synthesizer hook here, a power chord there, dramatic vocals about the mundane and drums that reverb like Shakin’ Stevens performing at a Jello factory. At the same time you might also find the odd forgotten gem from the ‘90’s, or a low budget bargain bin refugee from recent times. What you won’t find is horn-drenched R&B, relentless metal riffing, or harlequins. I hate harlequins.
So, gasp in admiration as I select five nuggets for your exhumation. And, if vinyl is your thing, then you are in good company. For the past few months, I have talked about almost nothing else as I have slowly succumbed to the lure of music in its definitive black cardboard shrouded majesty."