Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
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The hand-wringing...the tears...the sleepless nights--all to conjure up this list o' TVD's Top Ten Crowded House Tunes in preparation for tonight's 9:30 show. And if anyone REALLY cares, this wasn't all that easy -- so many great songs, so small a list. And they're more of the darker variety (TVD = miserable f'er.) and not ONE from 'Woodface.' Go figure. So, we'll count them down all Casey Casem Top 40-like...cue jingle! (Towels at the ready...)
10. I Feel Possessed (Mp3) ...we are one person not two of a kind... 9. Black And White Boy (Mp3) ..and you run like a cat to the cream / and you're acting so nice it's obscene... 8. Don't Dream It's Over (Mp3) ...try to catch the deluge in a paper cup... 7. In My Command (Mp3) desolate in anger and safe in isolation / you're about to be the victim of a holy visitation... 6. Kare Kare (Mp3) ..i've got my senses on / and this is the only place that I always run from... 5. Fingers Of Love (Mp3) i hear the endless murmur / every blade of grass that shivers in the breeze... 4. Walking On The Spot (Mp3) the odd times we slip / and slither down the dark hall / fingers point from old windows / an eerie shadow falls... 3. Private Universe (Mp3) no time, no place to talk about the weather / the promise of love is hard to ignore / who said the chance wasn't getting any better / the labor of love is ours to endure... 2. Into Temptation (Mp3) I turned to go / you looked at me for half a second... 1. Not the Girl You Think You Are (Mp3) ...and all the people that you know / will turn their heads as you go by / but you'll be hard to recognize / with the top down and the wind blowing, blowing...
Eight years ago this weekend, my friend Anne put a gun to her head and killed herself. I wrote a little bit about it here not too long ago.
Last winter as I stood waiting to get the bartender's attention at the Friday Night Haunt, I looked to my left and spotted a friend of hers and with more than a few in me I said, "Hey, didn't you used to be the drummer in so-and-so band? I think we have a friend in common." "Oh yea," he says as his date begins to gush at him having been recognized as this drummer that people know or something. I say, "Anne"...and it was -- not on. "Don't bring her up, man..." he starts stammering and begins to physically back out of the conversation. "She should be remembered, you know" I press on. He's shaking his head, "No man, no." I'm not sure if it was too painful or just something else entirely.
I suppose I could do this post on Halloween because that was her birthday, but I often recall the goodbyes much more than the hellos.