Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
Much like the house specials or the house wine you’ve become accustomed to when visiting your favorite restaurant, we here at TVD think it might be wise to serve up some of our own ‘house specialties’ in the form of what we’re calling this week, ‘20 Perfect Tracks.’
I mean, we do a boat-load of complaining around these parts, why not underscore 20 tracks this week that we feel are: damn fine. Now, these aren’t the only perfect 20 out there by ANY means, but these are a set we feel form a basis for what we need to hear to get the TVD Stamp o’ Approval.
From time to time perhaps we’ll revisit the theme, but for now, sit back, fire up the hookah, and snuggle up with two perfect 10’s.
It’s no exaggeration whatsoever when I say that Retro Music Snob is responsible for this blog you’re reading. His daily updates that scour the universe of music blogs ultimately forced me to think that I needed to purchase an I-pod for myself (yea, finally...) and when I thought that I may want to wade into the blog waters myself, he was the first person I reached out to, and as I’ve mentioned here in the past, The Snob provided invaluable insight and support.
That was close to two years ago and I’m still visiting him each morning. Rock God Cred is The Snob’s newest on-line foray which has also become a morning must-read. So, without further adieu:
"Retro Music Snob rose from the ashes of the piss poor conditions of the radio stations of today. Where was the music of my youth? Where were the days when the same 50 songs weren’t played over and over again on the radio?? This does not exist on terrestrial radio. So alas…I got off my ass a few years ago, and did something about it…
“RMS” is a product of: 1) Being a son of a record collector 2) Exploring the internet for the great “lost songs” of years gone by.
We try to expose songs/bands of the past, and we try to direct our readers to some of the coolest of the cool music blogs. Great writers with great tunes that others should discover or re-visit. RMS tries to strengthen the network of music blogs. Introduce, and invite others to enjoy what we have discovered.
Lots of cool tunes from the 50’s-90’s, cover songs, demos, outtakes, novelty songs, and such…a little heavy on the New Wave of the 80’s, and the Old School Alt bands as well. I am a man of few words…as I let the music do the talking."
"Rock God Cred is the pot smoking, poke a hole in the bottom of a beer super-charging sister blog. We follow the same format of “Retro Music Snob”, but focus on the classic rock bands of the past. We dig out the lost classics, and covers (some done by your alternative favorites), and other assorted oddities.
Classic Rock is a guilty pleasure…some people feel guilty, and have to shower after they play their old classic rock lp’s, tapes, and cd’s. Not I! If it brought me joy in the early years of my life than I am cool with the same tunes now. Remember…I am a collector so I listen to everything (except radio). Not all will like these bands now, but some will. That’s ok with me…come enjoy. Tell a friend…I think you will be pleasantly surprised."