Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
Brian Coates of The Great Northwest sits down with us for this week's First Date:
"I sat down to write a couple of paragraphs, and it was coming out all formal and technical-like. There were things that went-
"The Great Northwest records in a variety of places to force a feeling of newness with the stimulation of change. Each song is influenced by the feelings experienced in the new space, and when all are assembled as a collection it affects one who listens to travel in a cohesive trip."
It felt rudimentary and lacking in style, though it was describing the actual sentiments properly.
It was an hour before I was to submit it, so I was rushed by the desire to really get a point across the way I'd wish for one to understand it, though more elegantly.
I had a smoke and relaxed.
I realized that simply saying that the Great Northwest records to play, plays to travel, and travels to record sums it up.
Ironically, the execution of the task of writing this is EXACTLY the way we record."
I could think of three DC-based reasons why Bones and TVD would be a good fit when the Bones/TVD Prize Package was first proposed: 1. Once when I was indeed watching Bones, Agent Booth and Dr. "Bones" Brennan were actually dodging bullets in Adams Morgan which, as we know if you're a local, isn't a stretch. 2. DC's own Thievery Corporation are behind a remix of Sarah Mclachlan's 'Dirty Little Secret' on the Soundtrack and 3. ...well, they said they'd toss in a pair of Stereophonics tickets for Thursday night at the 9:30 for the grand prize winner. (That's right, TVD: looking out for your good time.)
So, we proudly present the Bones/TVD Prize Package for which there will be two, count 'em, two winners. The grand prize winner gets the Stereophonics tickets for this Thursday night (9/11), the Bones Soundtrack CD, a Bones T-Shirt, and a bunch of other, random Bones swag, rumored to contain Bones Pens and/or Bones Computer Cleaner. (Really.) The runner-up will get all the same stuff, minus the tickets. And it happens to be a pretty cool soundtrack they've assembled...So, pull yourself away from the TV a moment and leave a comment in the lil' comments box as to why you should be front and center when Kelly and the boys hit DC, OR just how much you're in love with Bones--and we'll choose a winner by Noon on Thursday.
Does anyone think for one moment that after his success with his previous combo ( escapes me?) that Lennon would rest on his MBE-returning laurels, knock out a few radio friendly singles, and fill the rest of his first proper solo outing with well, crap? Indeed, no. In fact, just the opposite: