"And now, a taste of heavy space from the IntangibleArts archives. Most of these would be what Julian Cope would call 'head music' and encompasses bits of Krautrock, English space-rock, and American folk-psych. This material represents my birth as a record collector: When I was about 10 or 11 years old, a benevolent older relative took me by the ear and opened up his vast collection of dusty vinyl goodies.
I was already buying my own records at that age, with whatever allowance I wasn't spending on comic books. 1978-ish. My musical universe was limited to the likes of Queen, ELO, and Boston--not a bad beginning really, and I still like all that stuff. But practically overnight, my new world included the heady sounds of Hawkwind, Can, White Witch, Moebius & Plank, Goblin, The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Throbbing Gristle, Captain Beefheart, etc...
These ten tracks pull directly from those first albums that he played for me in his Laurel, MD living room, when I was transformed from a normal kid into a total, slobbering vinyl addict. The last track, from Pearls Before Swine's excellent "One Nation Underground", was actually the first album he played in my presence. It was an 8-track copy, I remember that much. Egad.
And to this day, I'm still remembering LPs he pulled from those massive shelves, and hunting them down..."
Hawkwind - Master of the Universe (Mp3)
Eloy - Future City (Mp3)
Grobschnitt - Wonderful Music (Mp3)
Neu - Lila Engel (Lilac Angel) (Mp3)
Camel - Freefall (Mp3)
Soft Machine - Hope for Happiness (Mp3)
Amon Duul II - Archangels Thunderbird (Mp3)
Gong - Master Builder (Mp3)
Can - Dizzy Dizzy (Mp3)
Pearls Before Swine - Ballad to an Amber Lady (Mp3)
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