Here at THE VINYL DISTRICTwe're good consumers. All Mp3's are posted to promote and give exposure to the music and are linked for a limited time. Please download to preview, then head promptly to your local vinyl vendor (or - OK, CD store too) and fork over your hard earned cash. You'll appreciate the piece of mind.
Got something you think we should be listening to or reading? thevinyldistrict (at)
As I wrote way back when, don't just toss out those '10 CDs for a penny' offers that tend to flood the mailbox. (As I'm typing this I'm actually thinking...hmm, I haven't received one of those recently. What does that say about the state of the CD Nation?) Nevertheless, they USED to flood my mailbox, and from time to time I'd take Columbia House or BMG up on their offer, grab my 10 free CDs, buy the five or six more at regular club prices, then get the hell out and move onto the next town. I pulled this little scam about 5 or 6 times with varying degrees of success. There was tons o' crap I took a chance on that eventually got sold on ebay -- but then there were indeed a few gems, like this Thin Lizzy Best-of, 'Dedication'. It all started here folks--I was hooked. Soon would come the Phil Lynott afro, handlebar moustache, and a nasty, nasty smack problem. Lord, I miss these CD promotions.