Hello, Mr. Savage. Could you please tell me what GFE stands for. Thank you.
—Obtuse And Flummoxed
GFE stands for "Google Fucking Exists," OAF—or it should. Because if you had taken the time to type GFE into Google—which takes about 1/1000th of a second—you wouldn't have to ask me what GFE stands for: The very first result is "What GFE (Girlfriend Experience) Means to Me in Sexwork." GFE = girlfriend experience, which means the sex worker will, for money, treat you nicely, kiss, cuddle, etc. (Perhaps the acronym should be BNGFE, for "brand-new girlfriend experience.")
Blogging. The new sex work.
Snatch - All I Want (Mp3)
TV Personalities - Where's Bill Grundy Now? (Mp3)
Rudi - Big Time (Mp3)
Doll - Desire Me (Mp3)
Protex - Don't Ring Me Up (Mp3)
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