It's Day #3 with Carol Bui who's spending the entire week with us in advance of next Wednesday's homecoming show at the Black Cat and she's sharing the music from her own collection that informed her upcoming 2011 release, Red Ship, out on her own Ex Oh Records.
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk | Surprisingly, the first time I heard this song was at the gym. It was in a dance aerobics class at the Gold's in Ballston and the song came on as we were cooling down. I had been meaning to check out this album because I was really into some of the earlier Fleetwood Mac stuff in high school and though I hate to admit it, the interest was sparked by Hole's version of "Gold Dust Woman" from the Crow City of Angels soundtrack. Yea, I loved Hole.
Then I grew to love Stevie Nicks and thought 'fuck Courtney for killing such a great song'. Anyway, I love this song because it's 'real savage-like' as Lindsay Buckingham says at the end. At least, I think it was him that said it. Funny, you wouldn't expect to hear a considerably obscure Fleetwood Mac song after Beyonce's "Deja Vu" or Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps" in a BodyJam class.

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