Hey guys, it’s Chris filling in on blogging duties. As usual everyone is running late this morning and we probably should have started writing this a few hours ago, but anyway. It’s day 3 in NYC and we are getting ready to head off to our show at Delancey’s. Its should be super cool; a big thanks to Sneak Attack for having us out.

We had another busy day yesterday. Got up around noon and started the day with gyros and breakfast sandwiches. We had quite an adventure getting a cab as usual (apparently a van with 6 seats can only legally carry 4 people?). So we finally made it to Manhattan and grabbed some coffee with Zach from Sneak Attack. The shop we went to was awesome and had great coffee. If I could remember the name I would direct you all there now, and ask for an endorsement later.

After coffee, we walked with no direction to NYU to collect our badges and, of course, all the free stuff these festivals like to bestow upon the bands playing. We were also given some sort of schedule that really resembled a textbook or car owner’s manual. From NYU we walked about 12 blocks to enjoy the free beverages and food at the Pure Volume house artist lounge (where we will be playing on Thursday at 10:30!)
So here’s where the real adventure begins. I’ve never been to New York City before. Everyone in the band knows that. So for some reason I was entrusted to lead us to Webster Hall to catch Surfer Blood’s set. Unfortunately I got a little confused and took us about 5 blocks the wrong direction. I just kept telling everyone I knew where we were going. Sorry guys, if you are reading the blog.
So after my poor navigating, we were a little late to Webster Hall. We walk to the door and the nice (read: douche) doorman tells us the club is full and we can’t get in all night. We are all pretty bummed, but Max came to the rescue big time. He had the hookup with Surfer Blood’s manager, who used to manage another band Max was in. After a quick chat, Max was able to get us in (which the door guy was not too excited about). Surfer Blood put on a great show and Webster Hall was an awesome venue.

After the show we took the L train to Brooklyn with some friends and grabbed some pizza and went to this cool bar for 2 for 1 beer. Of course Chloe was pissed that they wouldn’t let a 15 year old girl into the bar. Injustice!
Max, Andy, and Chloe are practicing in the next room for an acoustic performance this afternoon and I think we were supposed to leave for the venue about 15 minutes ago. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog with all the wacky adventures of the KITTEN crew.
Kitten - Kill The Light (Mp3)
Kitten - Chinatown (Mp3)
Kitten - Johnny (Mp3)
Approved for download!
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