Sure, sure - Junip gave it away free online last May. We know.
But as you know, we're all about something you can hold in your hands and clutch to your chest. And we're really into vinyl!
We've got the second physical release by Junip—the 'Rope and Summit EP'—as our second Fall Giveaway of the year!

Plead your case for a real, live, physical copy of the EP in the comments to this post and the most compelling of the bunch will find a copy in his or her real, live mailbox.
You've got a week! We'll close this one out next Thursday, 10/14. And remember to leave us a contact email address with your response!
Junip - Rope and Summit (Mp3)
Junip - Always (Run Roc Remix) (Mp3)
Approved for download!
Remember to hypnotize us with an email address!
Vinyl is cool!
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