Those off you who pop by here even infrequently must know of our undying adoration for Harry Nilsson and the catalog of music he left with us. One of our very first theme weeks, if not the first, was a Harry Nilsson Week.
Jeff Wells at Hollywood Elsewhere put the absorbing and well crafted Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?) on my radar perhaps as far back as 2006 or 2007—but its release remained in limbo for some time. But alas, after several years and infrequent theatrical screenings, today is the official release day of the documentary on DVD.
And we've got five of them to give away to five of you.
Some background via IMDB: "The documentary explores the enigmatic life and music of Harry Nilsson in an attempt to answer the question, "Who is Harry Nilsson?" The film includes new and archive audio and film including interviews with Robin Williams, Yoko Ono, Van Dyke Parks, Randy Newman, Ray Cooper, the Smothers Brothers, and Micky Dolenz.
"Who is Harry Nilsson?" uses promotional films, music videos, and home movies; segments from the unreleased documentary made during the recording of Son of Schmilsson (Did Somebody Drop His Mouse?); and excerpts from Nilsson's rare TV appearances in his BBC specials, the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, Playboy After Dark, and in an episode of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.

As mentioned, we've got five copies of the DVD to get to five of you in exchange for your comment to this post. Share with us your favorite Harry song or memory, and the five most compelling responses will receive a DVD copy of Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?)
We'll give you to 11/9 to enter this one and winners will be selected from the continental U.S. only. Remember to leave us a contact email address as well!
Favorite song? Easy one... It would have to be the end credits to the Otto Preminger film SKIDOO (one of the greatest terrible movies of all time).
Nilsson sang the entire credit reel of the film, from the top-shelf actors/director/etc to the lower production sub-assistants and those with job titles nobody understands or appreciates. This was at once heroic and ballsy: It forced people to stay put through the entire run of credits, which I think of as prankster-brilliant, being one who routinely stays seated for end credits.
But what's more, it proved his great ability as a songwriter because he actually made that enormous list of names interesting and catchy.... Who else could've pulled it off?
None, I say!
I know I will sound like a 12-year-old with this but what the hell -- I WAS a 12-year-old ...
Sleepaway camp in Maine. Homesick. Miserable. Missed my LPs. But one of my bunkmates had this HUGE cassette player and ONE cassette -- "Son of Schmilsson."
First song on it was "Take 54." I'm sorry, but just imagine a bunk filled with 12/13-year-old girls and how we reacted to the lyrics "I sang my balls off for you, baby."
This song became stuck on replay for approximately one week, 24/7, and we all sang it everywhere we went much to the dismay (as you can imagine) of all the counselors.
But I bet they missed the hell out of it by the time we got to "You're Breaking My Heart" ...
Oh Man Nilsson Schmilsson, favorite all time album, coconut....
now let me get this straight!
Jump into the fire!
I would L-O-V-E Harry,
and would really dig this DVD.
Just a reminder to leave us contact info, please. Thanks!
My favorite Harry song is probably "Me and My Arrow". I wish I were a prominent hip hop producer, as I am just *certain* the bed rock for a seriously slamming jam is contained within the grooves of that one.
Can't wait to see this film...
Too many Harry Favorites but to tell you a top 5:
Gotta Get Up-Motivating and uplifting
Daddy's Song-elements of Courtship of Eddies Father and its fun
Without You- Powerful and one of two karaoke songs of his I ever performed
Everybody's Talkin- Still gets me choked up and my first ever karaoke song performed
Remember- Emotion and heart and pain all wrapped up into one
Honorable mentions:
You're Breakin My Heart; All I Think About Is You; Together;
All My Life; Kojak Columbo
He's one of the best singer/songwriters that ever existed because someone has never put every range of emotion without being obvious and lyrically smart and easy to put the smile on the face no matter whether its heartfelt or goofy.
My brother used to always sing, 'you put the lime and the coconut' when he was cooking or talking about going on vacation. I sent him the cd with a note that just said, the track number.
He called me as soon as he got it and he was really happy. It also turned out that he didn't know his other music, or his story, so it was a great present.
So was this ever decided or do I have to go Jump into the fire? Early in the morning.
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