Our friends The Caribbean are on the road in support of their upcoming Hometapes release "Discontinued Perfume" and with nary an arm twist, they've agreed to fire off missives from the road.
And we've agreed to only publish HALF the photos they send...because...well, y'know.

Road hit hard. Heading for Cleveland to escape the furnace of DC in late June. Unnecessary as furnace is traded for a lovely vornado fan. Thanks hometown. My hipstamatic & I find high art wherever we aim out gaze. Why do I need Matt & Dave. Oh shit: Matt's driving. Dave: jury's out. Good 'stache.

A beautiful Chicago day greeted us. Quick trip to Dusty Groove. Hideously early load-in, but the Empty Bottle is such a fucking pro establishment. Always organized. Great sound. A spacey lighting guy who asks, "How do you want your lights." Wow: that really makes you think.

Meeting up with Bill & Hometapes label mates, Nick Butcher & All Tiny Creatures is fabulous. Each have subtly altered elements of their live presentation that work really well. ATC have added disembodied harmony vocals that blended in perfectly. I miss their usual drummer Ben (in Europe), but Jeff, Ben's replacement, is terrific and a pretty aggressively funny guy. He's also a linguist, so that spells hijinx.

Decent-sized audience for a summer Wednesday night and a very underground group from Washington, DC. We played some new stuff from Discontinued Perfume (out 10/19) and it went over well. A little rough around the edges and some audience is video-taping us, but a good night all around. My cousin Steve showed, Tom of ATC made me drink whiskey, my beard got some love. Did discover that my friend Radley, the club cat, passed away last year, but 19 years is a nice run.
Off to Daytrotter session in Rock Island, IL and then gig in Milwaukee w/ATC. More later.

1 comment:
Looks like things are going well. Why not come to
Central Florida next October ? bb
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