Wednesday, April 7, 2010

TVD Fresh Track & Giveaway! | Oh Mercy

The daily din that is the ‘in-box’ is rife with plenty of ‘meh’ inducing missives. Let’s play count the beards! Or count the deer-somethings! Or the wolf-whatevers! The torturously twee!

The keen deleter of emails however often finds a diamond among the many roughs, and in the case of Melbourne's Oh Mercy, it’s the gloriously Finn-tastic/Crowded House-y-ness that won us over from the first breathy chorus to the inventive, twisty verses.

This is music my friends that reminds me why we got into this blogging racket to begin with.

Let’s get you guys on the same page first—go download the track and commence swooning. We’ll wait. Now, go.

Great, huh?

To underscore our new enthusiasm, we've got two copies of the new CD 'Privileged Woes' and an Oh Mercy tee shirt to giveaway to two folks who put their swooning to words in the comments section to this post. Leave us some contact info (important!) and we'll choose a winner by this Friday, 4/9.

(And yes, we realize this is our second CD giveaway of the day, but have no fear, you will not wake up to 'The CD District' tomorrow. Bank on it.)

Oh Mercy - Lay Everything On Me (Mp3)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I love Oh Mercy so much I want to take it behind the middle school and get them pregnant. Oh yeah.

Just a girl. said...

The first time I heard these guys, I thought "wouldn't it be funny if they ended up being one of my favourite bands"... turns out I'm laughing. I can listen to their songs for days straight, that's how diverse and enjoyable they are. I am in love. But I'm okay with sharing. Everyone should experience Oh Mercy, because their life will be that slight bit better, in the way that the Statue of Liberty is slightly bigger than a doormouse.

Just a girl. said...

I just realised, I should probably leave my email... It's

Unknown said...

Hey CDD! I can't compete with the the two prior comments but I love the Finn/Crowded House sound of Oh Mercy. So show me some mercy and bestow a CD on me! OH CDD!

Unknown said...

Good call Sarah. Here is my email also:

Crowded house rocks. Saw them last week and they played a lot of stuff off their upcoming album. It was rad. Just like Oh Mercy.