Feel that? It's the shifting sands of the music industry bending and bowing under your feet.
For further evidence that indie is mainstream and transparently so, Pitchfork - Pitchfork! - has not just offered a review of the new Sade LP, 'Soldier of Love' but they've lauded it with a strong 7.0. Wha?
"...Soldier of Love is unsurprisingly of a piece with the five previous Sade albums. Songwriting-wise, it could have been released at any point in the band's career. The production only occasionally draws attention to itself—the dub-esque snare crashes on "Babyfather" are a bit of a surprise—and you can forget any gauche stabs at currently hip sonic tricks. The idea of singer Sade Adu robo-warbling through Auto-Tune would be laughable if it weren't impossible even to conceive. Even the album's curveball first single, title track "Soldier of Love", with its strident marching band snare rolls, doesn't so much deviate from Sade's core sound as cast it in a new light: What better to emphasize Adu's sense of control than a rhythm with the stiffly regimented forward momentum of a parade ground drill? And if "Soldier of Love" seems "hard," it's only because the surrounding tunes are once again delicate to the point where nuance is all..."
For me, you could even slide Sade right between The Blue Nile and The Bathers seamlessly.
You needn't take my (or Pitchfork's) word for it, find out yourself as 'Soldier of Love' is our first LP giveaway this week in our Record Store Day 2010 Vinyl Giveaways.

The rules can't be any simpler for our RSD2010 Vinyl Giveaways. All you need to do to enter to win is to leave a comment in the comments section to that week's giveaway letting us know why you deserve to win that week's LP.
Be creative, funny, incisive—whatever it takes to grab our attention to deem you the winner. Most important however is to leave us a contact email address! You can be brilliant as hell, but if we can't track ya' down, you're out of the running.
All winners will all be notified on Monday (3/22) upon the launch of the next RSD2010 Vinyl Giveaway!
I don't deserve to win (sarcasm alert).
I deserve to win because I'm one of the few DJs who hasn't succumbed to the Serato-flu...
I need that album so I have a new record to put on to make sweet love to my lady. Soldier of Love I am.
smith DOT metal AT gmail DOT com
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