You can tell when a bit’s falling flat usually by midweek...like this one is.
I tell ya, the vinyl collectors and the blog frequenters are one quiet bunch. Hundreds and hundreds of these ‘Rate That Record’ downloads later—nary a peep in response. I don’t get it...
Perhaps I need to snap some pictures of my meal at some local hot spot. Shoot some kissy face photos or better yet photograph ‘The Door of the Day.’ Whee. Or ponder the nature of the struggling transit system. Or discuss PMS and shoes. That – THAT will engender comments, feedback, dialogue...
The completist I am, this feature runs the full week.
Silence be damned.
Beloved Rogue - Daysleeping (Mp3)
Beloved Rogue - Capital Sense (Mp3)
Feral Children - On A Frozen Beach (Mp3)
Matt Morris - Just Before The Morning (Mp3)
Langhorne Slim - Say Yes (Mp3)
Long time frequenter, first time poster. Never let it be said that I would not come to the aid of a lady in distress.
Beloved Rogue - Too guitar heavy for my taste. But that's just my opinion.
Feral Children - I really enjoyed this one.
Matt Morris - Not bad for mellowing out.
Langhorne Slim - Another that deserves many listens. Alot going on here.
Really enjoy the blog. Will try not to be such a stranger on the post pages from now on.
Well, thank you KSRKR.
But I guess I'm..uh...a lad in distress?
Oops. My bad, Jon. I thought I read you had a girl helping with your blog. And when I saw the PMS comment, well... LOL Sorry again. Great blog!
Nice legs. Shame about the face.
Story of my life, DVD...
I have to agree with you about the whole Door of the Day thing on that other dc blog. Maybe instead you could do a record album cover of the day? we could use descriptions such as "kinda diggin' it" or "sweet"or or lameee. ;-P
How about posting sexiest album covers? Or most anti-PMRC covers? Then we can discuss.
Loving Beloved Rogue. Had the chance to interview these guys here: http://alturl.com/k6yx
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