You’ve got to hand it to Derek Webb—an artist who’s emerged from a career based initially in contemporary religious music, to an artist willing to ask tough questions of himself and his faith, which has ultimately produced ‘Stockholm Syndrome,’ an LP which moves him squarely into the electro-indie mainstream.
I’m always wary of genre and identity hopping to be fair, but ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ succeeds on its own merits, devoid of religious overtones, yet thoughtful, atmospheric, and actually damn catchy.
And wouldn’t you know it, we’ve got one to give away in all of its double-LP, 180 gram glory. Make your case in the comments to this post (with contact info – important!) and we’ll choose one winner to be mailed the record by noon on Friday (12/4.)

Derek Webb - What Matters More (Mp3)
This is one of my favorite albums of this year; some of Derek's best work to date. He and his band pull it off live flawlessly, as well.
I would LOVE to have a vinyl copy.
My wife won't let me buy a record player because "We don't have any records." A free Derek Webb LP could potentially change my life!
pick me. they don't even carry it at any vinyl stores in town. plus my dog really likes to ride dirty to derek webb
I've been a Derek Webb fan for a decade now and Stockholm Syndrome is my favorite album of his. And I have a fledgling record collection [read: 1 record] that needs help growing!
Just got a record player as an earlier Christmas present, but I only have one record. Someone told me about Derek Webb not that long ago and he has amazing tones and I'm glad hes not afraid to speak his mind.
Having followed Derek since his days with Caedmon's Call I have heard a lot of musical changes to the Derek that is present on Stockholm Syndrome. Following the twitter escapade that surrounded the release and watching Paradise Is a Parking Lot only furthered my respect for this guy who takes it upon himself again and again. I love that Derek went electronic because as he said himself, he was sick of the acoustic guitar. Hilarious!
I would much rather have bought this on vinyl when it first came out, but well, it didn't exist in that form so I pre-ordered it CDs and all. It was not a mistake, but I would much rather have Stockholm Syndrome in double LP 180g vinyl.
Plus, his wife, Sandra McCracken has a phenomenal voice as well.
Hit me up:
benjamin swanson
130 15th ave N.
Jacksonville Beach FL 32250
I am stoked to hear a hopeful progressive voice representing prophetic discontent, but not satisfied with apathy and complaints. Thanks Derek!
I've followed derek's work for a while now and I own a copy of every one of his albums, including the EP with his wife. I have such respect for him as a songwriter and musical expeditionary that I've said I'll continue to buy his albums even if I don't like the style or content. When I heard that this album was going to be electronic and 'urban breakbeat' as he put it when I asked about the rumors, I wasn't sure how well it would turn out. I mean, the switch from folk-rock/americana to plain old rock n roll wasn't a big stretch, but this seemed to be insane.
Now, I think it's just an insanely good album. However, as a poor college student I haven't been able to spare the money to buy a copy of this album; i've only streamed it from his website. My roommate just bought a record player and this would be a great addition to our small collection and a fabulous way to finally pick up this record...because after all, it is a record, and records are printed on VINYL.
get at me at blake103@marshall.edu
I'm not a longtime fan, I don't own every one of his albums, heck, I don't even agree with some of the stances he takes.
It doesn't matter. Derek Webb is one of the few artists out there that makes his audience THINK. Not too many Christian songwriters can do that. I've actually gone out and done research upon hearing some of his songs: Becoming a Slave, A King & A Kingdom, Freddie Please, etc. I'm fascinated with the subjects he chooses to sing about.
So if you do choose me, that'd be swell; you can email me at samnewk@gmail.com. Either way, I'm thrilled that SS is getting released on vinyl.
My girlfriend just bought me a classic vintage turntable for my birthday. Bless her, she included the following vinyl:
1. Ken Griffin "On the Happy Side"
2. The Ames Bros "Smoochin' Time"
3. The Best of Bread
4. Something by The Smothers Brothers
5. Mormon Tabernacle Choir Greatest Hits
6. an autographed Tom Netherton LP
You may be thinking "Gosh, with hits like those what more could he want?!" Well, I want to hear the mellifluous blurps and warbles of Mr. Webb, my favorite calvinist rabble-rouser, flowing from those sweet tweed speaker grills.
It's either that, or I pick up the Night Ranger album they've got on display at the Goodwill.
Peter Haakonsen
Olaf Schous vei 16
0572 OSLO
peter.haakonsen at gmail.com
I have only listened to it a little bit, but love what I hear. I guess there are better candidates than me here, I will check out Stockholm Syndrome anyway, but hopefully on vinyl:)
Well I really hope to win this, I think this is one of the best albums of 2009, DW is one very bold cat and would love love love love love to add it to my vinyl collection which includes Prince - Purple Rain, As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security and several Billy Idol records.
- cory
round rock, tx
I live in Maine, and the nearest record store doesn't carry anything remotely new! I'm pretty desperate to find a way to pick up this awesome record. I don't even own the CD yet. If you pick me, every single one of your wildest dreams will come to fufilment.
I'm a newer Derek Webb fan, who got drawn in around the pre-album promotion twitter/internet heist.
I was actually one of the lucky ones that was able to win the top tier package as part of the promotion.
I have everything (including the t-shirt), except the vinyl, which would totally complete my collection. I love this record, and have gone back and got more of the early stuff too as a result.
john AT dubdynomite.com
Thanks all for entering. We have our winner...
Damn! I missed out! I love this album and how Derek is not afraid to push the limits. Plus he pulls off the genre shift brilliantly! I am also obsessed with vinyl so this is very saddening to me :(
P.S. I do give a shit.
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