It's true indeed--the blog runneth over.
We're pleased to announce that Stanton Magnetics, an industry leader in the design and manufacture of professional audio products for club and mobile DJs and turntablists has added to our already amazing Eleven Weeks of Record Store Day '09 Vinyl Giveaways--something to play that vinyl ON, The Stanton T.90.
The Stanton T.90 USB is a professional quality turntable with high-torque direct drive motor and a USB output, combining the latest digital technology with unique style. With Key Lock built-in, DJs can adjust the tempo of a record without affecting pitch, while USB and S/PDIF digital outputs make the T.90USB great for archiving vinyl.

On Record Store Day, April 18, 2009 we'll randomly draw the email address from all of those who've entered over the course of the eleven weeks and ship that lucky individual The Stanton T.90.
And for the record, whose turntable do we have in TVD HQ? Why, that'd be a Stanton--purchased at DJ Hut, the guys behind the green ad over there to the left...
Well this is great! I've got 3 busted turntables!
Oh...you can find me at djbloo (at) gmail.com !
I love winning things and enter into as many contests as possible. The best thing I've ever won: Two tickets to a Van Halen concert last year. Is it too late to enter into your giveaway? If not, please accept my entry. Thank you kindly!
Nicole Boddington
Little Rock, Arkansas
Add me to the fray! Our LPs will be very happy to have a professional like Stanton rip them (and I will have a happy birthday right after Record Store Day.).
I NEED that turntable! Add me to the contest please.
This would be much cooler than the first contest I ever won. Radio played a song and said call with the name of the song and the group so I ran to the phone and shouted "Smoke From a Distant Fire by Sanford Townsend Band! What did I win?" My prize? A bag of fruit and vegetables from a local farmers market. A great prize when you're 13. Here's hoping for better luck this time.
rtinoh at yahoo dot com
I'd love to be in the contest. Change 3 to e and "duck" to "dream" in the following:
x3lanth3 at duckshor3 d0t n3t
Mela Alexian
Toss me into the salad, please-
nicole - I too won tickets to a van halen show & hotel accommodations, many years ago in pensacola fl. the best part was meeting jon stewart, who was staying the same hotel that same night.
I've been a vinyl fan all my life. I'm thrilled to find your web site! I still have all my albums from the 60's on. Winning the turntable would bring all my babies to life again! Thanks for the awesome site!
A reminder about email addresses...we need 'em to contact you if you win. Can be emailed directly if preferable.
Please enter me in the contest: craig (at) craigsmullins (dot) com
Count me in as well for the contest...
ianjacobs (at) yahoo (dot) com
If I won this thing it'd be one of the coolest things I've ever won (which is a limited list currently topped by the Sex Pistols record I won from you guys earlier in the month)
great promotion!
I have only ever won one competition which was when I correctly put the pin where the buried treasure was on the papier mache treasure island at the White Rock Primary School summer fete in 1975. I don't actually remember what the prize was - which probably means it was hard cash, largely meaningless to a 9-and-a-half year old.
I deserve this prize because have 1)lots of records 2) a cheap and nasty turntable which doesn't them justice and 3) a longstanding and abiding affection for this blog.
Plus, if I don't win, the puppy gets it x
...and the typos make me more, not less, worthy!
i deserve morer then anyone else because i have lots of records and i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really need to take my current turnable/CD player/tape player/radio out back and light it on fire..
Yes, please:
vestalcat at gmail.com
Thank you very much.
i definitely need a new record player. my brother "borrowed" mine since 2006 and i'm pretty sure i'll never get to see it again. i have records but no way to listen to them!
My brother pissed in my Dansette record player in 1978 following a night on the beer. Lifted the lid n all, he did.
Physcologically, I never really recovered.
Physically, neither did his bust nose.
I started the day at 10:30 AM, lined up outside Amoeba Music in Berkeley, CA with 25 or so other vinyl junkies. I walked out a few hours later with an armload of Record Store Day exclusives, give-a-ways and other sundry items.
Then I headed over to 1-2-3-4 Go Records in Oakland to show it some love.
I ended up back in Berkeley to catch the Silversun Pickups' in-store set at Rasputins' Music. It was a nice acoustic show from a band fresh off a night at Coachella sandwiched between Paul McCartney and Leonard Cohen.
Thanks to TVD for keeping me plugged into the Record Store Day 2009 news. I can't wait for next year.
P.S. the Pavement live release from Matador is awesome!
Awwww, congrats to the winner! And thank you again to TVD for 11 weeks of fun... I found out about this blog during the 11 weeks but will continue reading for sure! Definitely one of my new favorite blogs. :)
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