But if there's an LP that will stand the test of time, it's this Blanket of Secrecy LP--largely because they didn't adhere to the trappings of the era and made a pretty darn smart and at times Beatle-y record. I'd link to thank Mr. Mine For Life for putting this old favorite under my nose again and for enlightening me as to the origin of 'Tinker','Tailor' and 'Soldier' -- the mysterious pseudonyms behind the record's creators.
Blanket of Secrecy - Say You Will (Mp3)
Blanket of Secrecy - Love Me Too (Mp3)
Blanket of Secrecy - Remember Me And You (Mp3)
Blanket of Secrecy - Something I Don't Need (Mp3)
Blanket of Secrecy - Tell Me Baby (Mp3)
Maybe posting random 80s new wave wasn't the brightest idea in your mind but from here in Canada, you are a saviour!! I have this fantastic album on vinyl, alas no more turn tables!! I have been hunting high and low for it on CD or maybe even some MP3s. Now I have some to tide me over! If you'd like to post some Fra Lippo Lippe, you'd have a friend for life!!
I think you can still grab the entire LP over at Mine for Life. Check the link in the post.
And y'know--I do have a Fra Lippo Lippi LP...'Songs' I believe it's called...
Yeah! Canada loves your random New Wave posts. I have to say thanks so much... I've picked up on a number of new-to-me artists from this blog, (and I've dutifully bought work from my favourites).
You do great work. Thanks so much.
Thanks for the link and shout out, keep up the good work!
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