Well, hullo...it's TVD Jon.
This very last Idelic Hour is the very last official post here at this Blogspot address. The feeling's akin to having moved to grand new home, only to have to return to the old apartment one last time to clean up.
Y'know - let's get this done quick, just enough to get the security deposit back.
So, no weepy words. Just a thank you to all of you who've actually touched me, us, back. Thank you for visiting and sharing. It's been a pleasure indeed.
Monday you'll find us right here. Same home, a bit roomier perhaps. Same stuff, same features. And quite a few surprises that'll turn this blogging adventure into another animal indeed.
See ya Monday.
OK, Sidel, you're up...
Greetings from Laurel Canyon!
When I was thinking about writing a list of my New Year's resolutions, not much really came to mind. Maybe the first thing was to fix the power cable for my Audio Research turntable? I guess it's because I long for a bit more "crackle crackle" on the show?
Then I thought it might be high time to put some new strings on my 68 SG hanging on the wall next to me. Come to think of it, all my old "axes" could use new strings and a little "TLC." Wait a minute, I have more friends than just a few old guitars and vinyl jackets hanging on my wall.
So, my new years resolution is to stay connected with my old crew. OK, this is what I mean to do in 2011!
Getting back to the rock n roll, this week is part two of my year end countdown. It's not really much more that some of the shit I thought was cool in 2010. Stuff like obscure blues singles, french bands, Bo Diddley, hippies, and Matador Records.
Have a safe and happy new year thanks for tuning in 2010 and rock on in 2011!
THE IDELIC HIT OF THE WEEK: The Limiñanas - "Funeral Baby"

idelicsounds.com | @sidelic
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