Wednesday, November 10, 2010

TVD Ticket Giveaway | Kate Nash, Monday 11/15 at the 9:30 Club w/Peggy Sue

"Lovely UK songstress" is probably an overused triple word score when it comes to Kate Nash, but it's certainly appropriate.

Kate's on another jaunt through the States in support of her Bernard Butler produced release, "My Best Friend Is You" and as the sprightly graphic above imparts - we have a pair of tickets to to put in the hands of one of you guys for Monday's show at the 9:30.

Let us know why you should be chosen for the pair of tickets to see Ms. Nash in the comments to this post and the most convincing of the bunch will take home the tickets for the show.

We'll close this one on Monday at 9AM to give you plenty of time to conjure up your response—and remember to leave us a contact email address with your entry.

Remember, we've teamed up with ReadysetDC for all of our ticket giveaways so you can enter to win either here at TVD or at ReadysetDC.


Unknown said...

Because I like eating cheese on toast!

Jon said...

Please remember to leave us a contact email!

Anonymous said...

Because she makes me merry makes me very very happy. (and because last time she came through dc she hosted a show at blackcat and didn't have a full performance of her own, I need that!) Cheers! ( and I think, i'll just have the bot-tle)

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